Curran Group has deep roots and a rich history of giving back to the communities where we live and work.
Our subsidiaries also partner with organizations and initiatives in their local communities. We appreciate and support our employees who, on their own, are active in service to their neighborhoods.
Wide ranging and diverse, Curran Group’s support for nonprofits includes organizations that feed the hungry, fight cancer, promote youth sports, clean up highways, aid veterans, raise awareness of suicide prevention and reach out to seniors, to list just a few.
Throughout the year, you’ll find employees of Curran Group and its subsidiaries hopping on bikes for a charity ride to support cancer research, packing food baskets for the hungry, collecting toys for children in need, addressing valentines for seniors, ringing bells with the Salvation Army and much more.
Community involvement is a key part of what we do at Curran Group, and we are always open to suggestions from our employees about organizations and causes dear to their hearts.