Holland LP

Crete, Illinois

Holland LP is a leader in rail solutions, delivering advanced technology and services that enhance railway safety, efficiency, and performance. With a commitment to innovation, Holland LP offers track maintenance, welding services, and specialized equipment designed to meet the needs of the railway industry. Learn more about how Holland LP is driving progress in rail transportation.

About Holland LP

Since 1935, Holland has led the way in progressive, comprehensive and sustainable solutions for the rail industry. We are the only company that engineers, manufactures and operates their own flash-butt welding equipment in North America and Australia. Our specialized contract services also include mobile, fixed plant and containerized welding services, thermite and electric welding, track testing, rail measurement, track maintenance and construction, load securement, and railroad car components, equipment and supplies. In addition, Holland provides railroad car cleaning, repair and sanitation services, as well as transloading services for bulk commodities.

The rail industry’s trusted partner recognized for our integrity, Holland teams up with customers to co-create solutions that reduce scrap, increase efficiency, produce longer-lasting repairs and ensure safety. Our patented, robotic testing and repair systems help to keep America’s goods and services moving by rail with respect for the environment and natural resources.